If you want to get away from the crowds, and you're looking for a bit more space than usual, head to Gunnersbury Park. There's a lot of open space for you and your child to run around, kick a ball or simply just stop being just 1 foot away from the next person (okay, sometimes the amount of people in London does get to me!).
So - if you're feeling the need for a some personal space - this is the place to go.
There are a couple of playgrounds - one just down from the parking area (yes! you can park here - and it's free!). There's baby swings and other baby & toddler friendly equipment including a slide. There are also some 'big kids' swings and a climbing frame for different ages. It's certainly enough to keep your child happy for a while.
Mix this with dog walkers and their owners going past every few minutes, and my daughter is more than happy here for at least half an hour or so.
From here, head to the pond (not fenced off all around) where there are many ducks, geese and other fowl that I have no idea what they are - thank goodness everything at the moment is 'DUCK!' and i'm not asked to identify species.
Keep heading around the pond and you'll get to the little cafe which is somewhat tired, but that doesn't stop it serving great tea, coffees, cake and small meals. They're pretty relaxed about kids running around too.
There's also a little playground next to the cafe... the ratio of bird poo to swing / graffiti to equipment is however a little high, but i reckon you could gulp your tea down in time to trust your little one in this area.
It's a shame that it hasn't been kept a lot better - on this Wiki page here there's more information and pictures of when it looked glam!
Why go here? To feel like you're not surrounded by others and escape the bugaboo parades! It's a bit rough and tumble, but we like it!
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How to get there: to be honest, the novelty of driving and being able to park for free is pretty hard to refuse, but you can also get the tube to Acton Town (no step free access) and it's a 15 minute walk from there. Buses do go past.
Baby change: none - but plenty of privacy
Cost: Free entry, free parking... ah but wouldn't you know it they charge for the goodies in the cafe ;)
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